Last week, I shared a modern take on staying ahead amidst infinite possibilities: Selectively choosing which activities and actions build your brand (and professional) reputation.
This is about so much more than strategy, though. It’s about being more effective with our time and resources, or the tools we would use everyday to make big and small decisions. It’s also about less misinterpretation and, ultimately, realizing a common goal, purpose and vision.
Whew, that sounds way big…
No worries, this is going to be hands-on.
A happy by-product of a more strategic approach to brand communications are customer-message-brand fit (greater resonance within your target groups) and better decision-making when evaluating developments and unfolding opportunities.
So with this theory of strategic, selective brand activity in place, how do you actually go about it? What tools are available to you to help you put theory into practice? In the next few issues, we’ll explore what that looks like.
Today, we’ll lay the groundwork: What will guide our decisions when evaluating trends or new developments?