Ever feel that little jolt of curiosity when an idea grabs your attention? That's a brain itch. Ignore it, and it bugs you, a persistent reminder there's more to explore. It's like having an unfinished melody in your mind, urging you to spend more time on it.

I’m Désirée, the brain behind The Brain Itch — a space born out of the necessity to untangle the craziness impacting our work and personal lives, and to follow my curiosity down new rabbit holes and through critical reflections.

The Brain Itch isn't just a newsletter; it's a journey. A collection of field notes on my path of connecting the dots to form a bigger picture, decoding business trends, and trying to stay grounded in this hustle we call career.

Why subscribe?

Because here, we’ll go beyond information. I want to share a point of view, be critical where needed, and creative whenever possible.

I’ll unpack new ideas and approaches. Look at the big themes and small hacks.

So if you're craving a blended, interdisciplinary perspective and a practical approach to navigating the modern-day maze, I hope my insights will inform and inspire you to evaluate the essential from the unnecessary, the pragmatic from the trending, and, hopefully, help you thrive in the process.

I’ll also share insights, learnings, new frameworks and breakthroughs that can only take place in the safe space behind the paywall.

Glad you’re here. Let’s scratch that brain itch!

Why go paid

As a paying subscriber, here’s what you can expect:

✅ Unlocked access to insights, frameworks and strategic ideas

✅ Exclusive access to Unplugged podcast episodes

✅ The warm, fuzzy feeling that comes from supporting something you enjoy and value 🫰


This is the right place for you, if…

You are ambitious and creative, and seek to make more out of your business.

You want to create a fulfilled career without loosing yourself in the process.

You are curious about what is happening around you, in a wider context, and want to make sense of the shifts taking place.

You are a creative, critical thinker, and question how things have always been done; looking to explore possibilities and actively shape your reality.

You are open-minded and seek others’ perspectives instead of sticking to your usual algorithm diet.

Broadening your horizon is more than a catch-phrase for you; it’s a compulsion. You are entrepreneurial in how you think and consider things.

You want to sharpen your strategic thinking abilities so you can better recognize opportunities for you, your team and your business.

About me (in a nutshell)

I’m a German-American interdisciplinary strategist, consultant and facilitator working across brand, communication, and marketing innovation. I’ve played in the global big leagues, ensuring continued relevance for renowned brands, and helped entrepreneurial brands find their voice. I am currently focused on helping brand and marketing leaders use data and technology to drive growth by creating demand, enhancing brand visibility, and broadening market reach.

Where to find me

Connect on Linkedin or visit my digital garden.

Subscribe to The Brain Itch

Field notes on strategy, connection and growth – while navigating the daily grind


Strategist-at-large exploring communication, brand evolution, new marketing approaches, entrepreneurship and professional becoming.